R & S are for... (Christmas Day 19 & 20)
RuDoLpH tHe ReD nOsEd ReInDeEr HaD a VeRy ShInY nOsE, aNd If YoU eVeR sAw HiM, yOu'D eVeN sAy It GlOwS.
'rEiNdEeR ArE bEtTeR tHaN pEoPlE, sVeN dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT's TrUe?' YEaH, pEoPlE wIlL bEaT yOu AnD cUrSe YoU aNd ChEaT yOu EvErY oNe Of ThEm'S bAd ExCePt YoU 'oH, tHaNkS bUdDy. BuT pEoPlE sMeLl BeTtEr ThAn ReInDeErS sVeN, dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT i'M rIgHt?' ThAt'S oNcE aGaIn TrUe, FoR aLl ExCePt YoU 'YoU gOt Me, LeT's CaLl It A nIgHt' GoOdNiGhT 'dOn'T lEt ThE fRoStBiTe BiTe'
Sorry about that guys, I'm kind of in a weird mood, and I had no idea what I wanted to write, so I just wasted my time typing out Frozen lyrics...
RuDoLpH tHe ReD nOsEd ReInDeEr HaD a VeRy ShInY nOsE, aNd If YoU eVeR sAw HiM, yOu'D eVeN sAy It GlOwS.
'rEiNdEeR ArE bEtTeR tHaN pEoPlE, sVeN dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT's TrUe?' YEaH, pEoPlE wIlL bEaT yOu AnD cUrSe YoU aNd ChEaT yOu EvErY oNe Of ThEm'S bAd ExCePt YoU 'oH, tHaNkS bUdDy. BuT pEoPlE sMeLl BeTtEr ThAn ReInDeErS sVeN, dOn'T yOu ThInK tHaT i'M rIgHt?' ThAt'S oNcE aGaIn TrUe, FoR aLl ExCePt YoU 'YoU gOt Me, LeT's CaLl It A nIgHt' GoOdNiGhT 'dOn'T lEt ThE fRoStBiTe BiTe'
I'm sort of glad this is almost over now because, I hate to admit it, but I'm sort of loosing motivation for these now. Especially as for the last few I don't really know what I want to write.
I'm quite proud of myself for doing this though, because I've always been a rubbish blogger and to keep this up (even with a few late posts!) has been great for me, and I'm hoping it'll inspire me to blog more in the future!! Also thank you for all the support, I'm really glad you've been enjoying it!!
We haven't had proper snow for quite a few years now and it's rather disappointing. I doubt it'll snow this year either because it's been so warm, which I'm really sad about.
The last time we had proper snow, we got to build an igloo and two proper snowmen and have a couple of snowball fights, which shows you how much snow we had!! My Mum has some photos on her Flickr so feel free to go check them out.
The most snow I've ever been in was not actually at home. In 2009 we went away with my Dad's side of the family (I can never remember what the place was called...) and we had really thick snow. I had wellies on and it went halfway up them (I was 8, just to clarify). We had so much fun in it. Also when we first drove in, we had to dig under the car wheels for it to move!! Then the next day when everyone else arrived, we had to push their cars. It was such a fun Christmas and I really want to do it again.
Thank you so much for reading and feel free to comment which letter has been your favourite of all 20 so far, and Merry 5 days 'til Christmas!!
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