Thinking Of Making My Blog Go Viral...

Yeah I guess I'm getting bored of not having ANY comments so I've asked my mum if I can make it open!! She hasn't done it yet but hopefully she'll do it soon. I've just looked at my mums FROGACADEMY blog and she's posted some of TP's pictures,which are great!! I now have to use every ones nicknames so that means I need to remember them... which probably won't happen! Ah well I'll get used to it! Oh I just vibrated!!! If your wondering why it's because I have my phone on vibrate and I just got a text!! Ooh it's from my friend (well obviously!!) I sent her a pic of a dog wearing a wig and she said 'lool'!! (she likes saying that). I have Grammar next but right now i need to read Chip a story so... BYE xxx M (Minnie)


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