Our new drama show!

Hey its me again!Guess what! In drama we have got a new teacher and a new show to do.Our teacher is called Debbie and our new show is called The Three Little Pigs.I know you think its boring and you've herd it a million times but this one you haven't.This one has a change our teacher wrote it for us.There are still three pigs but they have names I'm Frank Shannon's Alfred and Phoebe's Berty (Albert for long).There's two wolfs though Ellie is Billy and Kaela is Henry.Basically Henry is the good wolf and he helps the pigs build there houses 'cause they all build there houses together.They build the first house out of straw then it rains and the house sinks,then they build a house of sticks and then the wind blows it down.Then they build the house of bricks and that's when Billy comes in and he's the bad wolf and its really funny because Billy is Henry's brother and they have a big argument about Henry being friends with pigs.I love the play and think its really funny
P.S I'm the really cleaver one and think up most the ideas. bye


  1. wow I don't think the plays I have done are as cool as that.

  2. love to know what your up 2.
    stop emailing me I commented on every post so far.

  3. Ok I'm sorry I just had not looked at my blog and I should of done :,(


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